Thu 02 Jan
CLASSY°💁 Sassy💫 SEXY🍓❤💚💜🍒 262-613-4215 OUTCALL - 22
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Mke.AIRPORT°South Milwaukee°BURBS❤💚💜😘, Sheboygan)
*:•.★.•: *:•.★.•: Gorgeous ★Playful ★Curvy ★Latina *:•.★.•: *:•.★.•: - 21 - 21
(North Jersey, INCALLS- Northbergen/secaucus/jerseycity)
Come Take The Best Ride Of Your Life..HH Special U Can't Refuse!! Incalls Only (414)435-4434 - 25
* CaRaMeL CuTiE * LoNg LeGs * VeRy NiCe A @ S* HerNdoN InCall $100 - 26
(Northern Virginia, HERNDON/ DULLES INCALL)
~~ Gorgeous and Charming.. Asian angel *FIRST TIME* and new in town - 22
(North Jersey, hackensack/little ferry /RT46)
◤◢CALL ME NOW ☎☎☏☎☏• C0ME RELAX ❤▄❤...* I'LL TAKE *•:.•★▄★•:.• CARE OF YOU*◢ ◤ - - 30
(North Hollywood)
!!★C__ _H__ _E__ __E__ __T__ _A__ __H______ ____ C__ _H__ __E_ ___E__ _K_ __S★!!
(San Fernando Valley)
╔════════════════╗ BUSTYPERSiAN✔ 1000% REAL✔ PARTYGIRL✔ AVAiLABLE NOW ✔ ╚═════ (818)429-6648 °• ❤ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SFV reseda chats Tarzana canola)
💋❤💋 💋❤💋[[ GORGeOUs BaBe ]] 💋❤💋 [✔] VERY ADDICTIVE [✔]❤💋💋ALL natural ★S.U.P.E.R B.U.S.T.Y☆34D - 30
(North Jersey, 1)
💋Come and get what you've been missing!!! ☎️Call me now☎️80hh 150fh specials only for tonight💋 - 24
(Milwaukee, South side of Milwaukee near airport)
Brunette HOTTIE . All natural Total SATIFACTION Ulitimate PERFECTION - 25
-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- T H I S - 21
(West Hollywood, Valley, NoHO,Chatsworth)
★ *:• ☆ Blondes Do It Better ☆ ♥ ★ GeNTLeMeNS ❶st CHOiCE ★ *:• ☆ ♥ ★ *: - 18
(Milwaukee, S 103rd lincoln/NW capitalDr/Bluemound)
CALL NOW !!SEXY CUBAN HERE FOR YOU ,CALL Mia se habla espanol - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sylmar incall ,do outcalls the s.f.v.)
╔════════════════╗ BUSTY PERSiAN✔ 1000% REAL✔ PARTYGIRL✔ AVAiLABLE NOW ✔ ╚═════ (805)628-2784 °• ❤ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, N Hollywood.VanNuysBurbnk.SermoNs.Encino)
very {SeXy} ThIcK & {CuRvY}* Open-MiNded & FreaKy {must see} * 100% Me * "HOT" PICS - 20
(Orlando, outcalls only)
!C___ __H___ __E___ ___E___ ___T___ ___A___ ___H!______ _____ C_ ____H___ __E____ __E____ _K__ ___S! - 27
(San Fernando Valley)
🔴▓🎰▓🎰▓🎰▓🔴▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬🔴 UR SEXY LIL BLONDE SECRET 🔴▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬🔴▓🎰▓🎰▓🎰▓🔴 - 23
🚨 caution sexiness 🚨 no longer in wasua - 21
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, South side Milwaukee, Wausau)
Brazilian Goddess .. Come Taste The F*o*r*b *i*d*d*e*n Fruit !! ^^NEW TO THE BUSINESS^^ - 22
(405 & Burbank)
Visiting ♥ MY ♥o°• CANDY • °o♥o°• SHOP •°IS°• OPEN •°o♥o °• sexy brunette (incall specials) - 20
(Orlando, Lake Buena Vista, Disney World Orlando)
BUSTY Beautiful LATINA Dont miss out Woodland Hills Area - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills and surrounding areas)
Busty And Beautiful Everything You Want..New to Area! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks (In And Outcall to sherman)
💋 ♥ G O O D ♥ G I R L •:*:• 💋🎈🎈 G O N E ♥ *💋💗•:**:• B A D ♥;) 💝LATINA 💝 🎈🎈🎈🔥🔥 - 21
(North Jersey, OUTCALL BaBY now babe REAL 💯💯💯)
Visiting Beautiful Busty Latin Blonde $80 incall special Se Habla Espanol. - 35
(Orlando, Orlando I Dr 4 star and up hotel outcall)
Visiting JUST ARRIVED !! : Independant OMG 36D-245-40 W0W Jawdropping Sexy Ebony & Puerto Rican - 23
(Orlando, 4 Star Idrive Hilton)
💋 ♥ G O O D ♥ G I R L •:*:• 💋🎈🎈 G O N E ♥ *💋💗•:**:• B A D ♥;) 💝LATINA 💝 🎈🎈🎈🔥🔥 - 21
(North Jersey, OUTCALL BaBY now babe REAL 💯💯💯)
Brand new sultry and seductive pics!! CAUTION : highly addictive ;) LAST Eday in town!!! - 22
(Northern Virginia, Springfield)
[BUSTY 42DDD]____ [ULTRA CURVY]_____ [BIG BOOTY]____ [CARAMEL TREAT]___ ::::InCall:::: GREAT Rates! - 26
(San Fernando Valley, SFV 818 INCALL Conveniently Off The 101!)
Generous Men Only ; OUTCALLS ONLY ; Ready To Party All Night 📱☎✨ Dominican 100 % Real Pics - 24
(Jersey City, Morristown, North Jersey)
௵ *¨¨* ✽ Blonde ✽ XxX RatEd ✽ HoUrgLaSS FiGuRe *¨¨* ௵ - 20
BOMBSHELL 👄💧🔥[❌➡️ Hhr Specials‼️ ] 🍭🍭🌺 Spice up your weekend 😉👅🔥Available NOW_____ HABLO ESPANOL - 20
(Los Angeles, 405 fwy (LAX) INCALL ONLY.)
ღ Brandy ღ BeTTer DaYs WiTh ღ Brandy ღ (414) 899-9294... hhr $50/$100hr - 21
(Milwaukee, Southside....incall and oucall available)
Bisexual & Kinky Fun for Man or Three-Way! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, In town, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
•:*:• ♥ G O O D ♥ G I R L •:*:• ♥ 🎈🎈🎈 G O N E ♥ *•:**:• B A D ♥;) 💝LATINA💝🎈🎈🎈🔥🔥 - 21
(North Jersey, OUTCALL BaBY now babe REAL 💯💯💯)
*G O R G E O U S *°G I R L °*R E A L P I C S - 22
***** Girl put ME onthe TOP of yourlist - 23
(WAYNE / FAIRFIELD / RT 46 / 23)
_____ BRUNETTE ♥ _____ BEAUTY ♥ _____ ON ♥ _____ DUTY ♥ ____ $80 SPECIAL - 21
((( ♥ ♥ BLONDE♥ ♥ )) (( 🐰🐰BUNNY 🐰🐰)) :: :: (( ♥ ♥ 100% ME ♥ ♥ )) : :: (( ♥ ♥ CALL NOW ♥)) - 23
(San Fernando Valley, hollywood,studio,sherman,encino,wood,cal)
$$$ ((()): Aubrey... Im BACK for a SHORT TIME.. DONT MISS ME $$!!!! $$ - 24
(Milwaukee, Surrounding Milwaukee)
:☠ Big Booty :☠ [ Brunette ] :☠ [ Beauty ] :☠ [ Specials ] :☠ - 21
°°•☆•°°BeAUTiFUL iNDePeND3NT W0MAN Do You NeeD S0Me C0MPANY??°°•☆•°! - 22
(Milwaukee, Outcall//southmilwaukee/racine/downtown)
Bonofied blondie here for your fun INCALLS and OUTCALLS 5106214097 - 21
(Hollywood, north hollywood)
G O R G E O U S *° B L O N D E °* R E A L P I C S - - 27
♥♥♥BLONDE♥♥♥ JUICY BOOTY ▬▬ ●green eyed ● ▬▬ iTaLiAn StAlLiOn !!! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, SFV Tarzana /Woodland Hills Incall)
☆G ☆F☆E — S—— E——— N—— S ———A —T——— I ———O —N ———A—— L ——— ☆ 8O SPECIAL - 20
(North Jersey, WAYNE / FAIRFIELD / TOTOWA/RT 46&23 INCA)
✿ . . : ✿ . . : Asian Sweet Candy Model 4 U . . : ✿ . . : ✿ - 20
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria - (24/7 In Call) - New Open)
😘💋♥ Fire 80 Rose Special... Exclusive Entertainment ♥♥♥ happy new year's specials - 22
(North Jersey, paterson outcalls jersey city outcalls)
💗💎💗💎💗 Big Booty Mixed Beauty Let Me Knock Your Socks Off 💗💎💗💎💗 - 26
(Outcall only 24.7 Everwhere!, San Fernando Valley)
BeautiFul Red Head Cuban with a Nice Fat ass & skilled lips!!! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys north hills .north hollywood)
♥[Beautiful] // [ExOtic] // [BRUNETTE]♥ *All Natural* - 21
(Los Angeles, LA , Eagle Rock , Glendale , surrounding)
eXoTiC° SeXii° oPeN MiNdEd 100%real pix of me - 22
(North Jersey, Morris plains&parspny;(IN) & all nj(OUT))
ASIAN ★█▓█ █▓█★█▓█ NEW SEXY ▄▄ █▓█▓█▓█ ▄▄ ASIAN█▓█★█▓█ █▓█★█▓█ COME to ME ▄▄ 202-830-7174 - 22
(Northern Virginia, Manassas//Centreville//chantilly)