Thu 02 Jan
Make Lots of Cash From Home in your Bedroom! No One Has to Know Block Your City or State! - 28
Busty Busty 42 DDs Miss Carmen (Telegraph any Joy) - 27
(Dearborn / Livonia, Detroit, Telegraph and Joy Rd Redford Mi)
Find a for free! Just sign up!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
Decadent SUGAR... experience how SWEET and LOW and BAD *COCO* BI*ITCH can GO! - 25
(Detroit, Southfield)
COUPLES WELCOME! Paige will spoil you! Get the attention YOU deserve! 7344444883 - 28
(Ann Arbor, Dearborn / Livonia, Dearborn hts, Detroit, Downriver, Downtown, Holland, Jackson, Monroe, Southfield / West, Warren / Sterling Heights)
$75 SpeCiAL** boom boom boom COME to my room** I WaNt U NOW!!! Slim *Sexy* Petite *Freaky* - 20
(Detroit, southfield)
(2)_ ThiCk ____ JuiCy ____ EBONY_&_MIX ♥ *-:?:-* ♥ BIG B0OTy___ FREAKS♥ *-:?:-* ! - 19
(Detroit, OUR PLACE.OR YOUR -->A Must See 2 Fre)